Lanlwyd Salvia Dorata
Call Name: Toffee
DOB: April 11, 2020 Coat: Med Dark Golden Weight: 65 Lbs. Registration: KCAX02136105, SS20532101 Microchip: 985112011821932 COI: 6.6% CHIC#: 169466 Genetic Testing: prcd-PRA status: Clear PRA1 status: Clear PRA2 status: Clear Ichthyosis status: Clear DM status: Clear NCL status: Clear Structural Clearances: Eye clearance: GR-EYE23219/12F-VPI (1/23) Heart clearance: GR-ACA7159/16F-VPI Hip: GR-137051G24F-C-VPI Elbow: GR-EL56672F24-C-VPI |
Notable Lineage:
About the Name:
Salvia Dorata is an Italian name meaning golden sage. Toffee's father, Chance, an Italian born dog, has won multiple UK/EUR awards and is a field trial champion. Toffee's mother, Flo, a UK born working female, lives on a beautiful farm in Wales.
Born near the coastal town of Aberystwyth, Toffee journeyed from Heathrow to LAX, then through the night to the Rocky Mountains of Northern Utah. She arrived in the USA in 2020 with beautiful big eyes and a warm heart. Her endearing spirit has stolen the love of our family. Especially Kristen. She is a picture of grace, beauty and functional working golden. Her attitude is pure joy and the best "work with you" golden I've ever owned. Rarely out of our sight she walks the streets of our town at sunrise, a cool summer swim in the Bear River and a fall upland game hunt with the sound of roosters crowing in the distance.
With big, dark eyes, broad head and an athletic conformation I didn't think possible, she is a Welsh gem among our granite stones and sagebrush. I have long wanted a purebred UK born working golden. The genesis of the breed. We are extremely fortunate and deeply appreciative to Lanlwyd for allowing Toffee to be a part of our life.
Salvia Dorata is an Italian name meaning golden sage. Toffee's father, Chance, an Italian born dog, has won multiple UK/EUR awards and is a field trial champion. Toffee's mother, Flo, a UK born working female, lives on a beautiful farm in Wales.
Born near the coastal town of Aberystwyth, Toffee journeyed from Heathrow to LAX, then through the night to the Rocky Mountains of Northern Utah. She arrived in the USA in 2020 with beautiful big eyes and a warm heart. Her endearing spirit has stolen the love of our family. Especially Kristen. She is a picture of grace, beauty and functional working golden. Her attitude is pure joy and the best "work with you" golden I've ever owned. Rarely out of our sight she walks the streets of our town at sunrise, a cool summer swim in the Bear River and a fall upland game hunt with the sound of roosters crowing in the distance.
With big, dark eyes, broad head and an athletic conformation I didn't think possible, she is a Welsh gem among our granite stones and sagebrush. I have long wanted a purebred UK born working golden. The genesis of the breed. We are extremely fortunate and deeply appreciative to Lanlwyd for allowing Toffee to be a part of our life.
More about Chance, Toffee's father
One of two golden retriever Field Trial Champions and Champions during the 2019/20 Season.
Competed in a total of 8 trials, he gained 7 awards, from novice to F.T.C.H in one season at the age of two years.
At the 2019 International Gundog League (IGL) Retriever Championship, he was one of only four golden retrievers of the 64 dogs that qualified, and the youngest dog to run. Despite being only two years old, he received a Diploma of Merit and was also awarded with Guns' Choice. He has again qualified for the 2021 IGL. An incredible feat.
One of two golden retriever Field Trial Champions and Champions during the 2019/20 Season.
Competed in a total of 8 trials, he gained 7 awards, from novice to F.T.C.H in one season at the age of two years.
At the 2019 International Gundog League (IGL) Retriever Championship, he was one of only four golden retrievers of the 64 dogs that qualified, and the youngest dog to run. Despite being only two years old, he received a Diploma of Merit and was also awarded with Guns' Choice. He has again qualified for the 2021 IGL. An incredible feat.